Article – The late Aidan Mannion honoured in Showgrounds ceremony

A new exhibit has been unveiled at the Showgrounds outdoor museum depicting the lifetime of service to the Club by the late Aidan Mannion. The ceremony was held on Bank Holiday Monday and was attended by Aidan’s wife Dympna and members of her family, Mayor Councillor Declan Bree officiated at the unveiling. Rovers Chairman Tommy Higgins made a special presentation to the Mannion family pitch-side at half time as a token of the Club’s appreciation.

In his address the Mayor said ‘Sligo Rovers has a special place in our community, and Aidan Mannion certainly had a special place in Sligo Rovers. He served Sligo Rovers in many capacities: member of the management committee, dedicated volunteer, and at the time of his untimeIy passing, he was Chair of Rovers Heritage Group and treasurer of the Showgrounds Board of Trustees.


Aidan had an unrivalled knowledge of the Club’s history, and an

infectious optimism for the club’s future. He was an inspirational character who earned the loyalty and trust of his wide circle of friends. It is fitting that the Heritage Group he Chaired are preserving and treasuring Aidan’s memory by erecting an exhibit in his honour in the Showgrounds Museum. While Aidan was mostly known for his loyalty to Sligo Rovers, this was only one facet of a full and fascinating life. He had a lifelong passion for local history and heritage, and for many years was a

valued member of Sligo Field Club.


His passing was a great loss to his colleagues in Sligo

Rovers, but first and foremost our thoughts are with his wife

Dympna and family. While this ceremony is tinged with sadness, it is very much a celebration of a life of dedicated service to club and community.’


The Mayor concluded his address by emphasising the importance of maintaining Aidan’s legacy: ‘The exhibit we unveil today will be visited and studied many times over the years to come, and I have no doubt that Aidan’s legacy will continue to energise and inspire future generations of Sligo Rovers supporters.’

Sligo Rovers Chairman Tommy Higgins recounted the many ways in which Aidan had helped the Club over the years. He said Aidan’s welcoming smile when he took up his favourite spot in the Showgrounds was a match night experience that would live long in the memory.


Aidan’s wife Dympna confirmed that his passion for Rovers knew no bounds, but recalled examples of his kindness and generosity to people outside football who needed a helping hand. She also relayed stories of his trips to see the Irish soccer team play in two World Cup tournaments.

Aidan’s son Ross said his father’s love of history, heritage and community combined in his commitment to Sligo Rovers and the Showgrounds, and thanked the many people who had turned up to honour Aidan’s memory on this special day for the Mannion family.

Sligo Rovers Heritage Group